Lepin 15018 Sunshine Hotel - Part 1

Along with the Barnes and Noble (set 15017) this was the other set I picked up from a local seller recently, I remember having my eye on this one when it was initially released, but it was more expensive than the normal modular clones as it has a higher piece count. I was happy to get it for under half it's retail price.

If you weren't already aware, this particular building isn't based on an existing LEGO set, rather it was a fan-made design that was stolen and mass produced by Lepin. From early on it's pretty apparent this was never an official design... it didn't take long into the build process, to start seeing building techniques I've never encountered in an official set as well as some unusual design choices.

The Ground Floor

After some ridiculously intricate tiling to start us off, the ground floor starts to come together. At this point I've started to notice just how little space there is inside this thing. This is compounded by the design having no less than 4 doorways on this floor. Excessive by any measure.

Inside there isn't a reception area that you would expect in most hotels. There are 2 small tables with flowers by the doors, these are attached by a single stud so were constantly getting detached... I ended up leaving them off eventually. There are some lamps and flags adorning the walls, we also have some sort of seating area with an inexplicable all-yellow decor... I do quite like the Chandelier feature though.

Ground floor complete! The flags are a nice touch.

The First Floor 

Again, the interior here is quite cramped.. containing a simple, mainly un-tiled landing and 2 very cramped bedrooms that don't leave any visiting minifigs a lot of room to store their luggage!

Their is some tiling here, but not a lot.

The first bedroom features a double bed and 2 (non-functional) draw units with lamps on.

This bedroom is only 4 studs wide! Surely a single bed would have made more sense here.

The outside of this building is beautiful though.. there is a lot of detail work here. I particularly the surrounds of the recessed side doors on the ground floor, The second floor has some unusually constructed upside-down arches below the windows, and very art-deco styling on every part. I like the grey minifig 'statues' that protrude above the main entrance.

So far, so good, I appear to be missing a flower though.

As with my previous build, I didn't bother with the brick built street lights (or the brick built trees, in this case, I'll eventually add matching MOC trees across most of my modular buildings)

That's it for this update, check back soon for part 2 where I'll take at look at the 2nd floor and the roof build, and let you know my thoughts on this set overall.
